What is Microsoft Teams?
12/15/20242 min read
Microsoft Teams: a definition
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that allows users to work together, even remotely. In this way, it is perfectly adapted to the new configurations of hybrid work.
The platform has many features, including:
An instant messenger that can bring two or more people together;
An audio and video conferencing application;
Teams within which it is possible to create channels, to which all team members have access. For example, it is possible to create a team for a department, and channels for a project.
Co-editing of documents (several people can work on a file at the same time);
Opening up to third-party applications, such as the online management tool Trello.
Being integrated with Microsoft 365, Teams is also linked to the Office package applications, including Word and Excel. It has document storage and sharing services like PowerPoint, OneNote and SharePoint.
In short, Microsoft Teams allows its users to chat in real time, share and collaborate on files, hold online meetings, and create teams to work on a project. It is widely used by businesses to facilitate communication and remote work, a phenomenon that has kept on increasing in recent years.
The history of Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams was created in 2016 and officially launched in 2017, replacing the Skype for Business application. It takes over Microsoft's Skype Enterprise, Exchange, SharePoint, and StaffHub features.
Since its launch, Microsoft Teams has become one of the most popular collaboration and messaging applications for businesses. Its users particularly appreciate the centralization of tools (everything is in one place), but also its openness and accessibility to all. Overall, using Teams is a real time and productivity saver for employees.
Furthermore, and this is no stranger to its success, Microsoft is committed to continuous improvement by developing and evolving Teams over time.
Microsoft Teams today
With the strong growth of remote working, Microsoft Teams has gained in popularity. By enabling teams to stay connected and work as efficiently as possible, the platform has tripled its user base in one year: its use exploded in the first lockdown, from 44 million users in March 2020 to 115 million in 2021!
Later, in January 2022, Microsoft announced that Teams had passed 270 million monthly active users. A number that is constantly growing. Windows 10 and 11 combined, meanwhile, have over 1.4 billion monthly active users.
Initially used primarily for its conversational tools, Teams, as a hub for Microsoft applications, has gradually emerged as the platform for collaborative work. This has happened as usage changes, with companies having an increased need for collaboration tools to bring together onsite and remote employees.
Workers now have the following tools at their disposal:
Private conversations;
Conversations with text, sound and video, and the ability to share files in real time;
Teams to collaborate effectively;
A storage space for all files and documents in one place;
The ability to connect to SharePoint;
Organizing online meetings;
Audio calls;
A video conferencing application;
Integration of third-party applications;
All this, compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.
Microsoft Viva, the employee experience platform
Microsoft Viva is an employee resource platform that enhances the work experience and provides tools to improve employee well-being and productivity.
It is integrated with Microsoft Teams and offers features such as learning, communication, health and wellness information, and task and project management. Companies can customize Microsoft Viva to fit the needs of their employees and their corporate culture. In short, Microsoft Viva is an all-in-one solution that enables employees to work more efficiently and comfortably while fostering a positive corporate culture.